It Comes unsought

Shri Kalyanakrishnan (also known as KK in the satsang) narrates the following incident:

Sri Sri Swamiji generally says, ‘No one wishes for trouble or anticipates them, but they come to you unsought, don’t they? In just the same way, whatever is due to you in life will come to you no matter what.’
He says that if you keep complete faith in your Guru or God, He will take care of you.

This has been very true in my case.

I have never taken a conceited effort to earn money for my living. Whenever I have tried to undertake any major effort to earn money by myself, I have always faced a huge loss. So I always stay at home or go to Satsang and do as bid by our Guru Maharaj. During the course of the month, I receive some money by some means or the other just enough to carry on for the month. I have never had surplus money to carry over or save for my future.

It was almost the end of one such month and I had no income for the entire month. While on one hand, I was sure that God will have something in store for me to make my ends meet, on the other hand, I was slightly worried about paying off for my monthly utilities. With this thought in my mind, I went to bed.

Early next morning, one of my cousins who used to live nearby knocked on my door. I received him and enquired as to what brought him to his house so early? He told me that he had been to my sister’s house the night before and his sister handed him a fax addressed to me, sent by a friend of mine. He handed over the fax to me.
I was surprised to read the message! The fax directed me to collect Rs. 8000/- due to my friends from a Chennai company. At once, I called up the company and asked whose name the cheque was addressed to and they said it was on my name! I enquired with my friends as to how I should transfer the money to them and they said, ‘There is no need to send it right away; keep it with you!’

I used the money for my monthly utilities and paid them up later in due course of time.

This is how my life goes on, and I have just quoted one incident. Indeed, if one comes to the fold of a Guru, he is taken care of fully.